Cicatello, Maple Leafs shutout the Jackfish

WELLAND - The Toronto Maple Leafs made their first trip of the season down the 406 to the Pond at Welland Stadium and leave victorious, defeating the Jackfish 5-0.  

Maple Leafs starter right hander, Justin Cicatello threw a complete shutout game for his second victory of the season while Jackfish starter Matthew Clingersmith was docked with the loss in his home debut after throwing seven innings, giving up three earned runs while striking out three Maple Leaf batters.  

Jackfish Field Manager Brian Essery was not pleased with the lack of support Clingersmith was given from the team.  “We were flat today, Clingersmith is a professional and knows how to handle these situations but we as a team have to be better”.  

Nolan Pettipiece and Nate Mastervick were the only players on Welland to record a hit while Toronto produced twelve hits in the ball game.

The Jackfish hit the road tomorrow afternoon for their first date with the Kitchener Panthers.  First pitch set to fly at 2:00pm at Jack Couch Park.